Life Training Center

Training Christians to Soar for Christ

Training Camps: Series 1

The Word Comes Alive

Training Camps Not Bible Studies?

Training Camps: Series 2

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Train yourself in godliness, for the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
(1 Timothy 4:7-8)

Paul compares godliness training to physical training.  YOU CAN BE TRAINED IN GODLINESS!!!!

Godliness training and physical training happen in the same way, using the same kinds of methods.  To help you see the similarity of physical and godliness training, here is the Greek word that’s used in that verse for training.

gumnasia, which literally means exercise

You can see in that word a great similarity to an English word; gymnasium.  That demonstrates what Paul means when he talks about godliness training. It means to exercise and practice some skills repeatedly; honing and improving them.

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