
How would you like to learn a Bible verse by heart and remember it the rest of your life? As Jesus followers, we know God wants us to hide his Word in our hearts and meditate on it day and night. When we’ve tried, perhaps we have failed, felt guilty, and given up. Isaiah 43:18-19a says, “Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?…”

The mark of a true disciple is someone who abides (soaks) in God’s Word (John 8:31-32). Your thought life will change as you wash your mind with God’s Word (Ephesians 5:26). Learning does take some effort and perseverance. However, the methods taught in the Bible Memory Training Camp are fun and time-proven. 

Take the challenge to store up God’s Word in your heart!

For this Training Camp, there is a workbook, but no video lessons, or Coach’s Guide.    

 To gain a better understanding of this training camp:  

View a sample lesson from the workbook.

To purchase materials: click here.